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Simon Fraser University

January 2017 - Present

MSc student in Salmon Watersheds Lab, GPA 4.17/4.33
Research project:  Estuary fish community dynamics within salmon bearing watersheds

University of Washington

September 2014 - December 2015

BSc in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, GPA 3.96/4.00
Galloway Applied Fisheries Science Scholarship
Anacortes Salmon Derby Continuing Education Scholarship
Capstone research:  Effects of anadromous salmon recolonization on the trophic niches of resident trouts

University at Buffalo

August 2007 - February 2012

BSc in Biological Sciences conc. Ecology and Evolution, Minor in Geology, GPA 3.142/4.000
New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Provost Scholarship

Salmon Early Marine Survival Intern

December 2017 - December 2018

Mitacs Accelerate internship through the Hakai Beach Institute performing work related to my MSc thesis as well as collecting data on juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) estuary use patterns, especially juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).

Fisheries Technician 3

March 2016 - August 2016

Crew leader for KRAA's Spiridon Lake smolt camp and Telrod Cove harvest monitoring camp.

Fisheries Technician 1

August - November 2012, July - October 2013, March - May 2016, August - October 2016

Field and hatchery based work for KRAA.

Hatchery Technician

November 2013 - June 2014

Hatchery work at Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Issaquah Salmon Hatchery

Sea Lion Observation Intern

January - June 2013

Observing sea lion feeding behavior in the tailraces of the Bonneville Dam for the US Army Corps of Engineers

Fisheries Intern

May - August 2012

Worked a series of field camps for Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association and Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

If you would like a fuller view of my career please visit my LinkedIn profile.  If you have any questions about my previous or current work experiences feel free to contact me and I will get back to you shortly.


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Biological Sciences
B6220 Shrum Science Centre
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr.
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6

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